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About us

DECCAN NDT & DT TESTINGS is a leading independent Non Destructive Testing (NDT) and Destructive Testing (DT) Ferrous, Non-Ferrous and Non-metallic (Graphite, Composite, Thermo setting plastic etc.) Testing company offering a broad range of high quality accredited technical services. The company serves many demanding industries such as Defence, Aerospace, Oil and gas, Marine, Power generation, Motorsport, etc. throughout our twin cities and all over the nation.

Since its inspection, Deccan NDT & DT Testings has in-depth market knowledge and uses trained and tested techniques as well as new technology and R&D to deliver quality and assurance to our customers. We hold many industry specific accreditations and a host of customer approvals, which can be viewed on our Accreditations page. All our services are carried out by highly qualified and experienced staff, which ensures we meet client requirements regardless of whether we inspect on-site or on our premises.

DECCAN NDT & DT TESTINGS is a company with the capacity to support the non destructive testing and Destructive testing requirements of customers in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and beyond; the ethos of the business is to provide a quick response and fast turnaround for all enquiries, either on site or laboratory based.

Deccan NDT & DT Testings is specialized in the provision of inspection by Non Destructive Testing (NDT). & Destructive Testing (DT). We are connoisseur in the field of Chemical testing, Mechanical testing and Macro testing which are under Destructive testing.

what we do

Based on both customer demand and our expertise, over the years we have identified and created a number of specialist services which we deliver successfully to a range of clients.

Deccan NDT & DT Testings is also provides a professional training service for all personnel, which can cover both mandatory and inspection specific requirements. We deliver Service tax which is adapted to suit every customer and ranges from the preparation of NDT & DT Procedures and techniques, to NDT & DT audits and assistance with recruitment and training.

  • Accreditations are highly valued by our customers and proudly held by us.
  • Our comprehensive range of accreditations and approvals enable us to offer inspection and testing services to all industry sectors – from small local manufacturers to major international companies.
  • Our services are underpinned by our accreditation and we have a dedicated Quality Assurance team capable of providing technical support to any industry sector.
  • The Organization complies with all relevant statutory and regulatory requirements.
  • The Organization monitors its quality performance and implements improvements when appropriate.

Vision & Mission

"To be the service provider of choice in Non Destructive Testing (NDT) & Destructive (DT) and to deliver to our customers the best possible service in terms of technical support, timeliness and value."